Home of the Harvest Homecoming Bicycle Tour!


The purpose of Southern Indiana Wheelmen (SIW) is to promote, advance, improve, and enjoy the sport of bicycling. Founded in 1975 and incorporated in 2011, SIW hosts daily bicycle rides for riders of all abilities year-round. These rides provide a safe and supportive atmosphere for beginning cyclists, and help them improve their skills and confidence. Our 200-plus members rode almost 190,000 club miles in the 2023-24 ride year.

Our annual Harvest Homecoming Bicycle Tour (HHBT) showcases the beauty of southern Indiana and helps fund our advocacy efforts. We also contribute to the well-being of Kentuckiana by being responsible cycling citizens. We encourage reaponsible cycling, and assist in keeping our roads clean. Our members also assist community partners in cycling-related events.

Highway Clean-Up

SIW members love riding the beautiful roads of southern Indiana. We help keep US 31 north of Sellersburg clean by performing highway clean-up on a 2.5-mile stretch of the highway between County Road 403 and Perry Crossing. We normally perform a clean-up in the spring and the fall. In November 2024, 21 club members collected an astounding 32 large bags of trash and five piles of larger items. This stretch of US 31 is the beginning and end to many of SIW's rides from Silver Creek High School.

Highway Clean-Up Sign
Highway Clean-Up Map
SIW cleans US 31 between Silver Creek High School and Perry Crossing

Harvest Homecoming Bicycle Tour

SIW has presented the Harvest Homecoming Bicycle Tour (HHBT) for almost 50 years. While this iconic ride showcases the beautiful rolling roads of southern Indiana, it also benefits the citizens of Kentickiana. For the past four years, SIW donated proceeds from HHBT to the Dare to Care food bank. Dare to Care partners with local social service agencies, such as food pantries, shelters, and emergency kitchens to distribute food to Louisville and the 12 surrounding counties in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. In 2023, Dare to Care and its partners provided 20.5 million meals and over nine million pounds of fresh produce to members of our community.

When our 2024 ride was "hurricaned out", the donated water from Niagara helped hurricane survivors in the southeast US, and food was donated to local shelters. See the full news release here.

Dare to Care Logo
Harvest Homecoming Bicycle Tour proceeds benefit the Dare to Care food bank

Bike to Beat Cancer Ride

SIW members have ridden as support riders for Norton Hospital's Bike to Beat Cancer ride for many years. Support riders ride amongst the over 500 participants and provide emotional support, encouragement and comeraderie for the riders. This ride is a major milestone for many of the participants, and the assistance provided by SIW riders can make the event safer and more enjoyable.

Support riders getting ready for the ride

Supporting Community Partners

SIW contributes monetarily to community partners who enhance the cycling experience for Kentuckiana cyclists. We support the Parklands in Louisville, KY and the Ohio River Greenway in southern Indiana. We also contribute to the local organizations that serve as starting places for our rides. We appreciate the hospitality of these partners!


If you love cycling and Kentuckiana, SIW is the place to be. Join us in our efforts to make Kentickiana a great place to live and ride!