Home of the Harvest Homecoming Bicycle Tour!


When the weather turns nasty, 'virtual' cycling is an option for maintaining fitness and enjoying cycling. By using electronic sensors (speed and cadence sensors) or a 'smart' trainer, combined with a computer program, cyclists can mimic riding outside in the comfort of their own homes. There is a great variety of equipment and programs available. For a more in-depth review of some of the options available, check out this virtual cycling site. The information below outlines some options SIW has so far.

SIW Zwift Club

For Club members who ride on Zwift, we now have a SIW Zwift club. At present, membership is by invitation due to limitations in the Clubs program, although Zwift is updating the program to provide more options. If you are interested in joining the SIW Zwift club, follow these steps:

NOTE: You may get a message about not being recognized when you e-mail Joe. DON'T PANIC. Joe will get your e-mail and will add you to his address book.

Why Join?

Zwift Clubs can put on rides for its members, and the riders can ride together. Zwift may also add more Club benefits, as outlined here.


Much of the fun of a group ride is the banter between the riders. While Zwift has a "chat" function, typing messages can be difficult, and the meaning of the message can be misunderstood if just text. Fortunately, there are audio platforms available.

SIW has a Discord channel. The code is https://discord.gg/QDz6KbBf8F. This channel can be used for any audio meeting, not just a Zwift ride. For example, if you are riding on a Rouvy ride with another club member, you could both log into the server. If needed, we can always add sub-channels.


A main feature of Zwift Clubs is the ability to put on events for club members. ANY club member can put on a ride. For more details on putting on an event, check this article from Zwift Insider.


Zwift racing is another popular activity. You can race independently, but joining a team increases the opportunities and the fun. While SIW does not have a racing team, there are many teams on Zwift. For more information on racing, click here.

Virtual Access

You can access cycling programs using computers, tablets and smart phones, depending on the program you are using. Check the requirements for the program you are using to see if your computer or phone is compatable. Programs are constantly updating these requirements, so be sure to keep your software updated!


There is a great variety of equipment available. Check here for a starting point, or visit our sponsor, Clarksville Schwinn for everything you need to enjoy your virtual journeys.

Other Platforms

Zwift is not the only cycling platform. Do you use another platform, such as Rouvy, myWhoosh or B-KOOL? Contact the webmaster at bolanbiker@earthlink.net to have your information included on this page. Hope to "see" you on the road, even if it is a "virtual" one!